Monday, May 17, 2010

Reports of My Demise are Greatly Exaggerated

Wow, I got busy for a while, and looked up to find that six weeks had passed! I'm hoping to get back on track with this blog (and other things) in the not-too-distant future.

In the mean time, I'll identify a few sources of inspiration for me in writing this blog:

First, two forums on Harmony Central: the "Music Biz" forum and the "Backstage With the Band" forum. These are forums where people post their questions, comments and rants about issues that come up being in a band and trying to achieve some measure of success (or, figure out what "success" means) in the world of music. The same issues come up often enough that I figured writing out longer essays on them here in this blog would be worthwhile.

Another similar forum that provides lots of food for thought is the Band Management forum on TalkBass. Similar stuff.

Anyway, hopefully I will be back on track with regular posts in the future! I've got some in the works.


  1. I just happened to stumble across your excellent blog while surfing for reviews of clone amps! HA! But I really enjoyed and appreciate your comments on the differences between 'cover' bands and 'artistic' bands, and the corresponding prior post about 'Why'? Motivations, etc. You really articulated in a very consise way several thoughts I have carried in my head for years. I have bookmarked your blog and I look forward to reading more.


    Matt Powell ( Not the 'semi-famous' country singer, just a middle-aged guy in the northwest with too many guitars... )

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